Better law

Anti-bribery & corruption
Anti-bribery & corruption laws and enforcement are on the rise at national and international levels. We take care, for our clients, of the prevention, detection, investigations and remediation of corruption in all forms: bribery, private and public corruption, conflicts of interests, traffic of influence, gifts and invitations, favouritism, clientelism.
Our partners are experts in demanding legislative frameworks with extra-territorial applications: the French Sapin 2 and PACTE acts, the UKBA and the US FCPA. We are close to the OECD Anti-corruption Division, supporting international best practices and upgrades to anti-corruption regimes.
GOVERN&LAW is known for its professionalism, efficacy and discretion in handling anti-corruption matters.
Our services
2. Training businesses, executives, public officials
3. Handling whistleblowing alerts and internal investigations
4. Mapping corruption risks and detecting evolving threats
5. Screening third parties and partners
6. Representing clients before national and international authorities
7. Advising on modernising cooperation and enforcement
8. Developing best local and international standards
9. Addressing bribery in public procurement and major events
10. Anti-corruption as a service and enabler
Recent matters

Competition / Antitrust
GOVERN&LAW’s competition team is unique in many ways. We offer 360° antitrust acumen, having worked for corporations, the OECD competition division and competition authorities, across Europe, LatAm and the US. We know what best practices mean, and what dilemmas both businesses and enforcers face.
We strategically advise and represent clients in all competition matters: dominance abuse and monopolisation, cartels and anti-competitive agreements, licensing and distribution agreements, merger control, investment control, state aid and subsidies.
We also strive to make competition an asset for growth, innovation and fair competitiveness.
Clients further benefit from GOVERN&LAW’s forward-looking approach to competition law changes and initiatives around the globe, e.g. competition and digital services, eco-systems, data and sustainability.
Our services
2. Embedding competition compliance by design in digital projects and platforms
3. Transforming antitrust rules into business habits
4. Advising on M&A strategies and notifying authorities for clearance
5. Designing safe harbours in distribution, R&D and licencing deals
6. Detecting and addressing dominance abuse and cartel risks
7. Handling investigations and dawn raids
8. Applying for leniency and immunity
9. Spot-on defence in courts and before competition authorities
10. Supporting competition law and soft law reforms, cooperation and enforcement tools
Recent matters

Data protection & privacy
Personal data protection laws, including the GDPR and CCPA, are booming around the world. They protect human privacy and freedom and they foster digital markets through data mobility and interoperability.
Our Team of certified data protection officers (DPO) and experts actively helps your organisation navigate data protection duties and challenges, while reaping the opportunities personal data protection and governance bring upon.
We address diverse needs, from organisations’ overall compliance, to tailored projects and complex fast-moving or international data ecosystems.
We further break silos and build synergy by articulating data protection laws with other major fields, e.g. investigations, trade secrets, intellectual property, tech regulation.
Our services
1. Offering DPO and GDPR correspondent services
2. Designing data protection compliance programs and roadmaps
3. Scoping applicable rules, competent authorities, and controller-processor relations
4. Mapping and auditing data processing and cross-border transfers
5. Conducting data protection impact assessment (DPIA)
6. Embedding Privacy by Design (PBD) in innovation, technology and human environments
7. Handling breaches, complaints and investigations
8. Transforming legal constraints into data efficiency and governance gains
9. Managing data protection authorities’ requests and procedures
10. Auditing and certifying PrivacyTech solutions
Recent matters

Human rights / EU law
Human rights and market freedom stand at the core of Europe’s vision for business and society.
GOVERN&LAW Team provides expertise and advocacy in key areas subject to growing enforcement and initiatives: human rights in the supply chain, digital human rights in technology, free movement of goods, data and services, new controls over foreign direct investments into critical fields in the E.U.
Our experts are advisors to businesses and policy makers, enabling smart contract and procurement, safe growth and long-term value. Human rights and E.U. law screening applies to, and enhances, any public or private sector project (e.g. cross-border expansion, public-private partnership, outsourcing, strategic investment, shift in the supply chain…).
Our services
1. Mapping E.U. rules and human rights applicable to new projects and partners
2. Advising on E.U. law and human right risks & benefits for businesses
3. Screening and auditing companies’ supply chain and value chain
4. Developing sound procurement and investment criteria
5. Crafting safe and smart due diligence and contract frameworks
6. Advising on and securing cross-border deals, development and partnerships
7. Elevating human rights in business and innovation decisions
8. Linking legal exposure to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ESG
9. Ensuring balanced and win-win relations in B2B, B2C and B2G environments
10. Developing extra-financial performance reports
Recent matters

Tech & A.I regulation
Technology and artificial intelligence’ sustainability and reputation strongly depend on one factor: is it lawful? We pioneer law & ethics as drivers of trustworthy innovation.
GOVERN&LAW offers forward-looking expertise and experience in tech regulation, A.I. ethics, innovation governance and compliance by design.
We support teams and projects facing dilemmas : digital markets, services, e-commerce, online platforms, big data, algorithms, apps, software, A.I., deep learning, IoT, robotics, digital transformation, smart contracts or procurement.
We collaborate with the OECD, G20 and E.U. to stay on top of public policy initiatives. GOVERN&LAW further believes and invests in LegalTech to serve our clients best.
GOVERN&LAW is committed to supporting the respect of democracy and humanity in the digital world, including by Big Tech and GAFAM-like companies.
Our services
2. Offering the I.A.O. Risk Intelligence to audit and foster ethics in A.I.
3. Mapping regulatory and reputational risks & benefits of tech projects
4. Articulating responsible innovation programs, KPIs and metrics
5. Advising on digital policy and regulation reforms
6. Defending businesses and governments in cases of Big Tech violations
7. Framing accountability and sandboxing for digital dilemmas
8. Cooperating with authorities in enforcement and investigation matters
9. Modelling good data governance and strategy
10. Infusing legal intelligence in digital projects and schools (“law for tech” and “tech for law”)